Welcome ...

Welcome ... to the novels of Caleigh Cross.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Welcome aboard!


So who wants to see me get published? (Me...I do!) Seriously though, anyone else? I know you guys are clamouring to be heard...I've sort of put the book down for a bit because I've been so busy, but I got an email from my guardian angel Beth Kanell telling me all about what could very possibly be my Next Big Break. It's called Tribute Books, looking to transition into ebook publishing for young adults, and they've apparently got a preference for "damn good writing". The only thing is, they will not even consider authors who do not have a well-followed social network.

Well, here I am. This is my social network. I am standing here, on my soapbox, preaching about the vices and virtues of the writer's life, to a grand audience of...7 people. Granted they are 7 people I cherish deeply and thank for sticking with me, but I'm going to need a lot more than that to have a shot at Tribute. Until the End of the World would make for great young-adult reading, especially for this publisher. They are specifically looking for a subtheme of paranormal romance. Come on: Jasper and January, anyone?

This could be It. I could be the Next Big Thing, you never know. But that's exactly the problem: nobody knows. Let's spread the word! Tell your friends, tell your coworkers, tell your grandma, tell those people you really don't like but talk to anyways out of politeness. (After all, it's something to fill those awkward silences, in true January James style. A step up from "So...leeches. That's gotta suck.")

We've got time. I'm rewriting the book, taking out parts I never felt sure of, and changing some stuff in a huge way. It's an exciting time. It's thrilling to reread this book and know I wrote it and to still feel that primal tightening in my gut that means I'm onto something important.

Let's do it. Let's make it our goal to have more than 20 followers by American Thanksgiving. (That's November 26, for all my dear fellow Canadians.) Post it on Facebook, or however that works. We're all friends here. Let's do it together. This is our book. This is our shot at literary fame, and I want to take you all with me.

For January!

--Caleigh x

P.S. Nietzsche says hi. This morning he let me pet him, which was nice, but now he's doing that weird thing where he freaks out and fights with his own reflection again, so I'm not convinced that all is entirely well in the fish department. I'm worried he's going to lose brain cells if he keeps hitting his head that way...


  1. Yes!! I used those nice buttons at the bottom of your post to Tweet this post, and to put a link onto my Facebook page, and to e-mail the post to my best friend. Write on, Caleigh. Hi to Nietzsche, too.

  2. Thank you so much, Beth! We both appreciate it immensely.

  3. I posted you on facebook as my dear friend Beth Kanell sent me your blog. I also friended you in google. Do you have a facebook account as we could friend you there and get some attention on you.

  4. To Kit Minden: I actually don't have a Facebook page, but I can send you my email address if you'd like :)

    Thank you very much for joining!
