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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Looking for the sequel...?


So I have good news: I finally decided to quit being lazy and start writing the sequel. I have a few plotlines all worked out, so it looks like once again we're in business. I can't share too many details with you (obviously) but once again, now is the time to get suggestions/ideas in!

--Caleigh x

P.S. According to the chalkboard in this classroom, there are only 10 more days of school...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Excitement builds!


I don't know how many of you reading this have graduated high school yet, or remember graduating, but it's one drawn out process, let me tell you. There's marching, first of all, and then the whole sitting down/standing up thing, which you'd think we'd have mastered by now (isn't that sort of thing kind of the point of high school?) but apparently we've either been doing it wrong for the last 17 years or graduation is a huge deal.
My cap and gown came in last week: the girls' are white and the boys' green, and when I wear mine, it makes me look kinda like a ghost (university Halloween preparations taken care of...? Maybe!). Either way, the sleeves are really wide, and our calculus teacher recommends hiding M&Ms in there just in case we get hungry.
I've requested to be a speaker at our Baccalaureate ceremony *crosses fingers* I really hope I get to do it. I'm not valedictorian or salutatorian (not that I was really expecting to make it) but it would mean a lot to me to be involved in this small way.
I guess this post was not writing related at all, but I haven't been doing a whole lot of that these days, what with all the sitting practice...
Don't worry, I'll get back on the horse.

--Caleigh x

P.S. Thought for the day: When you run in front of a car, you get tired; when you run behind a car, you get exhausted. Cheers!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Top 10 Songs...

Hey guys!

Any other writers out there, take note: music is incredibly helpful when it comes to writing a book. There's something about lyrics combined with melody that can create in one's mind the best moments of a book, and after you've got those, all you have to do is string them together like pearls on the strand of the story...
Sorry, I'm doing it again, getting all poetic.

Anyways, I just thought I'd make a list of the top 10 songs that help me when writing right now. (They change every week, so if you'd ever like an updated list, just ask...) Seriously, my iPod list could have been made by a schizophrenic...

1. Anna Begins by Counting Crows
2. Cleaning My Gun by Mark Knopfler
3. Long Live by Taylor Swift
4. Time is Running Out by Muse
5. Rollin' On by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris
6. Find the River by R.E.M.
7. Beautiful Day by U2
8. Vertigo by U2
9. Miracle Drug by U2
10. All the Roadrunning by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris

Try these if you're stuck writing something. Some of them are soothing and calming while others are, um...very definitely not. Enjoy!

--Caleigh x

P.S. One extra, just because I'm either generous or I really love music, take your pick: Resistance by Muse.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What a beautiful day


I'm at the library right now: just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone I've officially sold at least all 50 copies of my book.

It's a beautiful day: we all got off school today, something to do with water system repairs (I don't ask questions: never look a gift horse in the mouth), and according to iPod weather, it's 63F and sunny. I've been reading Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult and it's riveting, but if you've finished it, don't you dare tell me how it ends. I'm less than halfway through.

I don't have too long today: there's a 15-minute time limit on this PC and it takes me an inordinately long time to compose blog posts (well, inordinate for a writer), plus I've got to be off soon to meet my long-lost best friend who went away for the weekend.

More when it happens,

--Caleigh x

P.S. Latest goal, apart from finishing the sequel: learning to drive a car with a manual transmission. Anyone want to volunteer theirs...?

Friday, May 6, 2011

News article

Hey everyone!

I feel like my words should be echoing: I haven't heard anything from anyone except the amazing Mentor at Midnight, whom I owe multitudes of cookies and other lovely things. (But who should also consider getting some sleep *cough* Just kidding.) I fully plan to spend the weekend (what little of it there is between work) planning out the rest of this sequel before I do any more actual writing.

Anyways, just letting you all know the news article from Channel 7 was posted online. You can read it here (www.news7newslinc.net/st-johnsbury/high-schooler-publishes-novel-052011). I think I sounded a little blonde, but the article itself was very well-written, and as usual, I came across in a better light than I probably deserve :D

So: anybody here have any suggestions? While I'm planning the second novel, I'll be listening to reader input and criticisms...anybody have anything they feel like sharing?

I look forward to hearing from you!

--Caleigh x

P.S. Just thought I'd update you all on something non-book-related: my prom shopping is all done. I feel like a princess in my dress :) I can't wait. It's going to be a gorgeous night.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Writing a sequel


So my guide for writing a book is done, but I realise now that I should have done one on writing a sequel, because it's not as easy this time around, as it turns out. It's odd to have people expecting me to write something: in the past, it's always been just myself. Now, people come up to me on the streets and ask me what's going to happen next. It's nice, don't get me wrong, I love the attention, but I'm kind of worried: what if, after all this, I don't have another book in me after all?

I know I do: don't worry, there'll definitely be a sequel. It's slow going for now, but it was with Until the End of the World at first too. I feel like the Jameses are a part of my own family now: I know exactly how they'll react to things, and the perspective each of them will use to look at the world.

Looking forward to the sequel just as much as you guys :D

--Caleigh x

P.S. Anybody finished it yet?