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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Capstone Eve - new holiday?

I've decided this should be a new holiday: Capstone Eve. To honour the occasion, I've included a poem I wrote in the car while I was stopped at a red light on the way home today:

'Twas the eve before Capstone, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even the mouse
The students were kept up, scared as can be,
by the thought of a failure from an angry Big V

The crowds will go wild when they read out our names
We'll stand up and hope they can't see our hands shake
We'll take a deep breath and give them our best
When tomorrow is over, we'll be able to rest

Pretty bad, I know, but my palms are too sweaty with nerves to do a really good Capstone Eve poem. I'm celebrating with a cup of my best Scottish Breakfast tea and finishing the accounting and reservations for tomorrow. The TV interview today went pretty well (or at least that is what I like to think). It rained, so of course my hair chose today to explode with humid curls, but there was nothing for it. The crew is filming the actual presentation tomorrow, as well as the book talk I'm apparently giving at the bookstore when Until the End of the World hits shelves. At some point this next week, we'll have a guest blog post from the greatest writing mentor in the world, Beth Kanell, so there's something to look forward to.
I feel like I've been eating Styrofoam, I'm so nervous. I guess I'd better go and finish the reservations so I have something to sell tomorrow. Wish me luck...!

--Caleigh x

P.S. I'm a musician, so I can make this joke: How can you tell which car belongs to the drummer?

1 comment:

  1. I have to guess on the riddle: Is it the car where all the dents have been beaten out?

    Have fun tomorrow with the presentation! Protein somehow beforehand. (Best swallowed with more of your tea.) Rest when you can (even if tonight it seems impossible!). And breathe. Again: Breathe.

    You rock, Madame Author.
