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Welcome ... to the novels of Caleigh Cross.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm published!

So guess what? I finished the book. No joke, it's all published and everything. Instead of going to school, I went down to Boxcar and Caboose to watch the very first copy come off the press. That was a process in itself, let me tell you. It was way cool.
The Espresso Book Machine has a personality of its own. It's even got a name: they call him Gatsby. If you look over to the right, you'll see a perfect shot of Gatsby...on a good day. However, today he chose to be temperamental...what does this mean for Until the End of the World? It means the first time we tried to print it, we ended up having to physically remove the book from the machine and spend two hours gutting Gatsby and taking care of all the excess glue...I was left with something that vaguely resembled the screenplay for a movie. (Maybe that's a good sign, I dunno...)
Anyways, so that little side trip took two hours (I could not be any more grateful to Joelle Beck and Paul Scavitto if I tried. They literally worked their fingers to the bone to get me my author's copy. There were more injuries than I bet they'd admit to...at one point we had an audience of about seven people quite literally watching glue dry. Hey, it beat going to class.) After that was done, at long last, I got my book. I have it right now, hidden in my purse, awaiting Friday to be revealed. I'll post again in a few minutes with the front jacket art: I can finally let you guys see that, at least.
Well, I'm back in class again (I couldn't stay away forever), so I guess I should get off the computer and get back to work, maybe finish that guidebook or something. I really am almost done now.
Thanks today go especially to Joelle Beck, Paul Scavitto, and, yes, the wonderful, if mercurial, Gatsby. I couldn't be happier with the result.

--Caleigh x

P.S. Until the End of the World will be available for purchase on Amazon.com, at Boxcar and Caboose, and perhaps other places too (I still need to think about distribution.) The countdown begins again...T minus 4 days. Only 4!

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