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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Suspense builds...

Hey! It's getting kind of late: sorry to anybody who was anticipating my daily post. I've been putting the finishing touches on my presentation: the speech is now written (if I don't have my talk down to a T, I freak out and get sweaty palms and start talking about anything that leaps into my head, which is never good, trust me there.) The PowerPoint is done, and I really hope it won't bore anyone to death: I absolutely cannot stand it when people read their slides aloud and expect me to be enthralled. Pet peeve for sure. So that's all done: my practice run is tomorrow, and after that, it's the Big Day.
Although actually, tomorrow is going to be pretty exciting too: I've got a television appearance scheduled on Channel 7. I'm being interviewed tomorrow morning, but I have no idea when it will air. I'll let you know.
I desperately need a distraction. Answer me this: has anyone out there ever dreamed of flying, or is it just me? How did it feel?
Unrelated: would you rather be able to fly or turn completely invisible at will?

--Caleigh x

P.S. The Royal Wedding is April 29 as well...I'll get up as early as I have to to watch William and Kate tie the knot. Anybody else getting up with me?

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